Jeff’s experience: My vasectomy story

After reading your site extensively, I wanted to share my story so that others considering this procedure have yet another story to read through.

I had my vasectomy this past Friday (March 28, 2004) and it is now Sunday and all is well. The procedure went without a hitch, and my doctor was very helpful in that he described pretty much everything that was happening and when I could expect the “uncomfortable” portions. In all honesty, there really wasn’t much discomfort.

My biggest fear going into the procedure was the pain from the injections. There are a series of shots that happen during the procedure. The first was in the scrotum itself in order to make the incision, and I didn’t even feel that one. The second was in the right vas deferens and again I hardly felt that one at all. The left, side, however, was a bit more uncomfortable. The doctor said I’d feel a “dull ache” and it was pretty much right on the mark. Kind of felt like the aftermath of being kicked, but only really lasted for about 5 seconds. After that, there wasn’t much feeling to speak of. I did feel the tugging sensation others described as the doctor pulled the vas deferens out through the incision, but not at all uncomfortable. My doctor cut the vas deferens, cauterized the cut ends, and also applied a surgical clamp just to make sure there wasn’t any way it was being reversed. One stitch later, I was ready to go. I got dressed easily, walked out to the car, and had my wife drive home while I kept an ice pack on the area.

I spent the weekend watching movies and alternately icing the area. I’ve had very little bruising, no swelling, and surprisingly, very little pain. My only advice is to take it easy afterward and it all goes pretty smoothly.

I’ll update my story as applicable, but I don’t see any problems at this point. Overall I’m very pleased with the experience and I’m actually a bit embarrassed that I made such a big deal out of it beforehand. It is fun to tell people that haven’t had one and watch their reaction as they squirm around in their seats, but as far as I’m concerned the procedure was really pretty simple and not nearly as painful as it sounds.

Submitted by Jeff

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