Masturbation after a vasectomy: How long should you wait? Why?

Some doctors provide aftercare instructions that simply state that the patient should abstain from sex for a certain amount of time (usually one week), but don’t specifically address if it’s ok to masturbate before then. Many men interpret this to mean that it’s OK to masturbate before the initial period is up, but this isn’t correct.

Masturbating and ejaculating too soon after your procedure can carry some risk, so you should use the instructions your doctor gave your regarding when it’s safe to resume sexual intercourse as a guideline for when you can start masturbating again.

Suggested reading

Why do you need to wait?

It should go without saying that in the days following a vasectomy it’s best to avoid any unnecessary trauma to the surgical site. Even though masturbation usually isn’t as rigorous as intercourse it still has the potential to expose the incision and allow bacteria to enter, which could cause an infection. Any type of ejaculation involves a number of powerful muscle contractions in the scrotum area, which can aggravate the wound. Additionally, if you are still recovering and experiencing swelling, bruising, or tenderness, having an orgasm can be uncomfortable.

What if I masturbated too soon?

Continue with your recovery process as usual and allow the surgical site to heal. Follow the instructions given to you by your doctor and try to relax. Avoid any additional sexual activity and try to lie down as much as possible. You should use cold packs to reduce swelling and wear supportive underwear to minimize further pain. If you experience pain, swelling, or bleeding that concerns you, contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Your doctor may not mention masturbation specifically when discussing post-op recovery. However, the waiting period your doctor gave you for intercourse usually applies to any other type of sexual activity as well. In other words, if your doctor instructs you to go without sex for a week, it’s generally preferred that you wait a week before masturbating too.

References and further reading has a strict sourcing policy. We rely on evidence-based medicine, peer-reviewed studies, reputable clinical journals, and medical associations. Learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.
  1. Post-Vasectomy Care & Recovery | Patient Instructions. Pollock Clinics.
  2. Recovering from a Vasectomy: What to Expect After You Get Snipped. The Iowa Clinic. Published February 26, 2020.
  3. Vasectomy information. The George Washington University, Department of Urology.
Read the comments (73)

Medically reviewed by

Dr. David Tyson, MD

Review date

May 25, 2021

Authored by content team

Last updated

May 25, 2021

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  1. I am on day 8 now. All bruising has gone, and swelling is reducing. I just have a red lump on one of the incision sites. Anyone else had this? The wife thinks its just a scar tissue lump. I just want the ok that I can finally use it for its intended purpose 🙂

  2. Got mine done on Dec 13th. Currently on day 5. Mine was done with a scalpel, and I got one stitch on each side. I barely got any soreness or swelling; however, I iced for the first 2-3 days. The best way is to use frozen peas rather than ice cubes so they can form around the sack. Everything’s been healing super well, but I’m sure I have blue balls now. So far, the toughest part is the waiting game. I wake up with boners, and I’m ready to rub one out. 2 days left.

  3. It’s been almost five days since mine, and the worst part of the recovery has been dealing with my ridiculous masturbation habit, and the fact that my wife is so hot it makes my brain hurt. I can’t fold her laundry without getting a boner, but now I’m scared of turning a pretty easy recovery into a deal. I’m not sure I can actually make it two or three more days, but I’m going to try to hold out. Wish me well.

  4. Ha, had mine yesterday, no idea what kind of procedure it was, but they put me under for it, so assume it was scalpel (I got stitches on both sides). A bit sore today but no biggie and haven’t needed any painkillers yet. They didn’t say how long to refrain from sex or masturbating, but after reading these comments, I’m definitely going to leave it for a while. Who knows I might even get some work done this month 🙂

  5. Some doctors say a week. Mine said three days. Like some of you guys, I wanked at the first erection. Everything still worked satisfactory, still no pain, bruising, bleeding, or swelling. Three months later, the first sample was sterile. One guy said it was the easiest thing I ever did.

  6. I just had the operation done Friday at 11:00. It’s now Tuesday. The worst part of the whole thing was just before the doc came in the room. It was the anxiety of it. Anyway, Monday night/Tuesday morning about 3 or so a.m. was watching some porn, and next thing I know, I let loose. It felt good, very little pain until I saw some blood in it on my belly… didn’t care for that at all lol. I’m really hoping I didn’t mess up the surgery. I have been reading and apparently ejaculating too soon after a vasectomy can somehow make the vas reconnect. I should’ve waited at least the 7 days… damn it. But I felt like I was going to bust one in my sleep if I didn’t do it while I was awake, so it happened. Any of you have blood in your semen? It’s not cool, lol.

    • Had mine done 6 hours ago… I just took a careful wank to be sure it still worked. Pleased with the results, and ejaculated plenty. How can that mess up the results? The only thing to watch out for is stress around the area they cut?

  7. I had the procedure done on Friday, read a bunch of your comments prior to having it done. So my wife and I had a quickie before the shower to go in. I also had a yank just after while my balls were still numb, the girl who prepped my area was freaking hot. Now I’m sitting here 3 days later, feeling fine and really wanting to rub one out, or climb on the Mrs. but sore as hell atm so thinking I will wait sadly. I guess this is why the Doc said I could possibly get night sweats lol. I am very glad to see I am not the only horny bastard going through all this. I felt a bit shameful, but laughing at you perverts has definitely made my day.

  8. Hey fellas, just here for the same reason, found myself with 10 mins to spare at work this morning, so I thought I would see if I could sneak in a quick rub. On my 6th day and so far so good, but man am I busting to fire one off! A couple of good panty pics and I’d be done in 30 seconds, no worries… Anyway going to hold off for maybe another 4 days then I guess I’ll save the first one for the wife seems she’s gagging for it! Good luck to you all!

  9. I had the procedure done a week ago, 48 hours after I was able to masturbate, balls were no less comfortable after than before. Within 3 days, I had sex with my wife, no problems, and again on the 5th day. The most pain I felt was day 2, which was aided a great deal by sitting on ice compresses. Each day it got better. Today is day 7, pretty much all back to normal except slight discomfort occasionally around stitches.

  10. Hi boys. I just did the tango three and a half days after the procedure, and it felt amazing! For context, I wasn’t in too much discomfort for the past few days, and I went easy on the orgasm, so perhaps I was a good candidate to break the 7-day rule. My advice is to just listen to your body for what feels right.

  11. I had my vasectomy yesterday and besides the pain during the surgery and the uncomfortableness of last night. This morning I woke up in the mood, talked my wife into letting me go downtown on her, and when she was fully aroused, convinced her to do just the head. When she saw I looked like I was about to finish, she stopped and refused, so I finished with gently masturbating until I went. I didn’t feel any pain, and as of this moment still don’t, I made sure to keep my underwear/pad over the surgical wound and not to get anything on that area. Not recommending what I did, but I’ll post back with an update if anything goes wrong.

  12. Had mine on Saturday, it’s now Wednesday, and I’ve been feeling ok apart from the “kicked in the nuts” stomach ache. I was thinking about knocking one out, but just reading these comments has made my balls ache, so sod this, I’m waiting at least a week.

  13. Had my no-scalpel vasectomy done 1 week past Monday. The op was sore as hell! But that was soon fixed through anesthetic (thank god). I walked home, had tender nuts for about 4 days after. No swelling, a little bruised (could hardly see it). I must be one of the lucky ones (but the surgeon was gentle). I had to let go yesterday after the wife teasing me all week. No pain at all… and lads, it felt sooo good to let it all out finally. So yeah, wait at least a week.

  14. Three days since disconnecting the landline service: Felt like being punched in the nuts at first, then not bad all in all. Was out walking the next day. Today I do feel like that dude with the hoodie for pants, but tightie whites are keeping me moving like Metamucil. Had multiple bone growth incidents all met with extreme put down measures. I figure when I cough and I don’t feel it then… Game on!!! If you can cough… then you can cum. Good luck, gents.

  15. I just had mine done about 7 hours ago. It’s pretty crazy to wait for a whole week since I have had a massive boner before, during, and since the operation. Damn doc had one of the hottest nurses I’ve ever seen prep me and assist. I’m going to try to go a week without it but definitely will be a chore. Right now, it just feels like I got kicked in the balls by a soccer player. Not really pain but definitely sore.

  16. I had a “scalpel” vasectomy yesterday. 2 quarter inch slits, one under the penis, and one on the left side of the scrotum. It hurt like a *****. Apparently, the anesthesia didn’t kick in before he started, and I felt the whole process on my left side. Literally felt him tug my vas def out… He gave me more local anesthesia, thank God. Then the right side, I didn’t feel a thing. I took two narcos last night but woke up with absolutely zero pain or discomfort. Drinking beers as we speak. But like most of you, horny AF. That’s why I’m here to find out if it’s okay to jack off the day after a vasectomy LMAO. Thinking I’m going to wait at least 10 days after reading all of this though, as I feel like a grandfather clock if you get the visual. Feel like there’s a cantaloupe between my legs.

  17. I had the no-scalpel vasectomy two days ago, and I think the temptation to rub one out is due to not being able to or being forbidden to do so—just my two cents. The worst part of the procedure was the pulling on each testicle—yes, the “tugging” I was told I might feel. Brutal.

  18. The reason why they tell you to wait is so the incision can heal, so you don’t open it and cause an infection. Also, because of the soreness obviously. I got mine down to days ago, and the wife gave me a blowie this morning. A little more discomfort than usually, but I wasn’t turning down that bj lol, and I saw someone was worried about if you can ruin the whole procedure; no, you can only cause more pain. It’s not like your vas deferens will reattach lol.

  19. This is the funniest link I have EVER read. My face hurts more than my balls lol. Had the keyhole Wednesday and it’s now just over 48hrs, balls are definitely sensitive and still wrapped up. The wife’s out and kids in bed and mega craving to knock one out gently lol two-finger and thumb style on the tip, but I’m scared the ejaculation will inflame my balls, and after reading these I’m going to have to sit on these hands for 10 more days lmao.

  20. I had NSV done first thing on Friday morning (it’s Sunday now), and I really didn’t have any pain. I walked out of it and felt fine (my wife said I had balls of steel). Like many people have mentioned, the only discomfort has been some cramping in my abs, and even that was mostly a dull ache. I have been following the icing and Tylenol instructions, and it seems to help.

    But I am seriously horny AF. I have been walking around with a hard-on since Friday and am needing a release. I am going to be sticking to the 1-week timeline, but it’s going to be tough!

  21. I just had mine done on August 12, and my balls are tender. I was thinking about getting a handjob from my lady, thank God I fell asleep before it went down. I will just see the doctor and hold off because some of the comments got me nervous.

  22. Lol at all these comments. Anyway, I had the procedure done exactly a week ago. Doc said to wait a week before any sex. Today is one week, and I’m home alone, so I thought to myself, the day has come to stroke one out! But after reading these comments, there no way in hell I’m going to! I don’t want any regrets lol. Probably wait another week or so, maybe a month lol.

    As for my pain, I feel a little discomfort when I start getting hard, kinda like if I need to ejaculate but didn’t. Other than that, I have very little tenderness at the incision, but only if I touch it when I’m washing up in the shower but nothing crazy. So far, the whole process has gone smoothly, and I have no regrets. Can’t wait to cum though

    Good luck, gentlemen!

  23. Just had the procedure two days ago at 3:00 PM, finished up about 3:30. No scalpel, the doctor was great. I was told to wait three days before any sexual activity. I think I’m going to do what Jimmy Chonga said up there earlier and try to hold out a full week, even on wanking it! I guess I’ll just try to avoid pretty women as much as possible… kinda hard in Tampa, but oh well. At least it isn’t Miami or Atlanta. I wouldn’t be able to hold out 48 hours!

    I guess I got lucky as well, as 12 hours later, after the procedure, when I woke up around 3:45 AM, 90% of the discomfort was gone. Up until then, it hurt to sit down and stand up for a minute or two each time until the boys were settled, but nothing that made me double over. I was even able to go on my morning run!

    Gentlemen, I say we have a collective prayer/moment of silence for all of us in our brief but mandatory masturbatory chastity.

    • I had my NSV done yesterday at 11 am. And after a day feeling like soccer players rolling on the field after getting kicked in the nuts, I feel pretty good today. I rubbed one out before the surgery, thinking that’ll hold me off until a week. Nope. I’m horny AF. Glad I read these comments. I don’t know how I’m going to do it. And my doctor told me it’s ok to masturbate or have sex 3-4 days after the procedure. Still, too long.

  24. I think I’ve been lucky. I had the procedure yesterday, no real pain since. Did anyone ejaculate on day two with no issues? If my wife’s gentle, I should be fine, right? The puncture site will remain untouched, so I’m not worried about that. My fear is that my balls will hurt from not being able to fire for effect, and the sperm will get backed up on the tender vas deferens that were just cut yesterday.

  25. So I had mine done yesterday and spent the entire day with the lower abdominal cramps and slight nausea that come with being kicked in the nuts. I slept so so last night and home alone today. I got the urge to give it a spank and remembered the doc saying no sex for a week. Did a quick google search to see if this fell under the same rules… after reading some of these comments, I think I’ll wait the full 7 days lmao.

  26. Lucky bastards. I had mine done last Friday, two days later I had severe pain, epididymitis and the left side was just a giant mass. I started a second antibiotic a few days ago and finally starting to feel better. Still wouldn’t discourage anyone from getting this procedure done and am happy that I did it. Most people’s experiences will align with the rest of the comments here.

  27. I had my no-scalpel vasectomy done 9 days ago. Didn’t start to bruise or swell until the 4th day, and it’s been getting slightly better each day. I do have to sleep with a pillow between my legs so I wouldn’t inadvertently squeeze the testicles while turning over. Unfortunately, I think I have to wait another 5 or 6 days before masturbating so I wouldn’t aggravate the tubes around the testes and cause more swelling.

  28. I had my surgery a week ago. It hurts to sit for too long, and my nuts are sensitive (feels like I have multiple nuts). I think I’m going to wait another week for any ejaculation. I did find that sitting on a medical donut alleviated some of the tenderness.

  29. Haha… I had no-scalpel done on Thursday cause all of you took Friday appointments (for obvious reasons). I wanna explode so badly but still feel a little sore.

    After reading these funny comments, I’m gonna wait at least until Thursday (1 week exactly). Hardest (giggity) thing I’ve ever done is waited this long to explode. FML…I found myself on online searching Anikka Albrite again… Closed the tab when I started getting hard lol! I’m gonna do what that other guy did and just put on a movie. This sucks, but I wanna be safe. Aint waiting a month like some of these crazy guys… but I’ll wait the week. Looking fwd to Thursday… I’m getting the cravings like I’m Dexter Morgan, hahaha.

    • I am on day two after the surgery—no-scalpel vasectomy. The surgery was painful as I didn’t have enough anesthesia on one ball, but it was quickly fixed by another dose. Right now, on day two, there is no real pain at all, as I have been resting since then. I have bruises, and my nuts are swollen, but again, no discomfort.

      However, I started getting horny and watched some porn here and there to the point I was hard and leaking, but then I started having the feeling of blue balls, with pain in the lower abdomen. I didn’t go through the process of jerking and unloading, but still, I guess the arousal made my nut sack to contract and gave me that pain of blue balls very quickly. I iced the sack and rested, which helped. I guess I will watch a Disney movie or Dora the Explorer to distract the big head and let the small one sleep.

    • I had a bilateral vasectomy 72 hours ago. Slow masturbation, nothing too rigorous. No problems. I imagine it’s different for everybody.

    • The night of my vasectomy I woke with wood, never letting good wood go to waste, ejaculated and everything worked excellent, no swimming pool for a week. 3 months later test results came back STERILE! Never had any pain, swelling, infection, scab bruising, bleeding and never used ice. No needle, no scalpel, open ended, walked out feeling the same as walking in, if I hadn’t watched it would be hard to believe anything happend.

  30. I had vasectomy and circumcision. 2 weeks have passed already, still have pain when I get an erection due to the stitches. My balls hurt a little when I walk for too long. However, I’m waiting at least 6 weeks before I do anything.

  31. So, any updates fellas? I had mine done 3 days ago, and the recovery has been going well – almost no swelling and very little pain, mostly in my lower abs when I get up from the bed. Like many of you, I’ve been having urges to fire one off – so I masturbated twice pretty gently actually. Within a few hours, I started feeling minor pain in the abs and minor swelling in the right testicle like on day one. I don’t think I really hurt anything, but I’m sure it may have irritated the surgery site a little. Maybe we should hold off guys – lol! Btw, you guys posted hilarious comments, and I wish I’d read them earlier… but again, I’m not worried.

  32. Dude! I had it yesterday morning, and I jerked off softly today and idk. I’ll see how it goes. I just hope I didn’t mess anything up.

  33. I had the surgery on Wed morning at 9 am, due to my high sex drive, I masturbated on Thursday at 11 pm, and now I am in pain! Have I messed this up? It’s mainly my left testicle that’s sore.

    • I also did it after 24 hours, though the discomfort did not increase after playing with myself. It has now been 48hrs, and it does not feel that I caused any harm to the area. Of course, it is still a bit sore if I touch it, but other than that, I feel pretty good. I have been icing on and off ever since I had the procedure. Please let me know how you felt after that. Cheers.

  34. Far out, these comments are legit hilarious. I, too, had the no-scalpel procedure, but only 2 days ago and before looking this up, had already 5 or 6 tabs of PH chilling out. Thank god I read this, now ima cancel them out and watch a movie or something. God damn, blue balls, four balls, tennis balls, excessive swelling/bruising, fear of ruining the procedure… yep these were enough to erase any urges at least for a few weeks, I must say lol.

  35. OMG, some of your guy’s comments cracked me up! I had a no-scalpel procedure done last Friday, and today is Tuesday. No brushing, very little pain at all! I feel like I lucked out. I do, however, desperately want to bust a nut! It’s all I can think about 🙁 almost there, I guess.

  36. I’ve just had the no-scalpel vasectomy yesterday morning. I don’t have any pain in the groin area. Just the nuts are little swollen and bruised. Did any of you guys have any swollenness in the abs region? That’s where the majority of my pain is, just like I’ve knocked out 500 sit-ups.

    Reading through these comments, it seems as though a week is probably the best to wait. Going to be a struggle as my head is saying I’m good to go, but I don’t want any repercussions.

      • Man, I’m on the third full day after my no-scalpel procedure, and I have no swelling, but my nuts are super sensitive and sore… especially my left one. It’s almost to the point that it hurts to touch them when I wash, urinate, or get dressed. From what I’ve read, this is pretty much the norm for most, so I’m going to keep popping Ibuprofen or Aleve and hope this tenderness will subside sooner than later.

    • Yes! For nearly a week, my hip flexor on my left side felt like I had a hernia. At day 6 and 7, that pain is finally gone. 95% better. I was going to wait until it feels like nothing ever happened before resuming activities.

  37. I just came here to get some info on sex and masturbation, and the comments I’m reading will definitely keep my urges in check! I think the one guy who is afraid that he ruined the procedure is enough to scare anyone into waiting! I’m on my third day after my vasectomy, and I am probably going to wait for at least 2-weeks before I have sex or masturbate. In fact, I will probably wait a month in order to be on the safe side! The risks seem to outweigh the benefits of several minutes of pleasure, so waiting is clearly the thing to do!

  38. I waited five days and kept waking up with an erection, so I then masturbated twice, and I’m unsure if I’ve caused more swelling and bruising then there should be. It’s not to bad just hurts to sit too long. I’ve been icing, wasn’t sure when to start masturbating since the doctor at the Veteran Affairs is wanting 15-20 ejaculations before submitting the semen to the lab.

    • Oh no, I must have still been slightly under anesthesia when the doc followed up with me. I had mine done Friday 7 am. I thought I heard him say 15-20 ejaculations before 7 days to make sure I’m sterile.

      I’m beginning day 3, and my wife and I both have sore grips. She quit me midway on #8. I fought through it, though. I think I’m on #9. Honestly, I’ve lost count. Funny, I woke up with a slight headache, but after a quick session, the headache is gone. I wonder if I should pause until day 7 before I resume.

  39. My doctor just said no sex for 2 weeks. Nowhere else have I heard 2 weeks. Ridiculous. Why is there such a huge discrepancy and vagueness in the advice doctors give us?

    • It honestly depends on the procedure that was done. I assume you’ve had more trauma to your area for the Dr to suggest 14 days.

    • Two weeks what the hell were they down there doing chiseling you some new balls and tubes into formation of the old ones😂 thats long but i guess i got mind and my doctor told me 7days but from the comments i read i think ima continue to wait some extra days because yall made me nervous NOW !

  40. Well, I’m on day three and sorry to say gents it feels like my balls were used for a game of tennis. There is only minimal swelling, but my god, it hurts when touched.

  41. I had a no-scalpel vasectomy three days ago, and the doctor advised against intercourse for 7 days. I masturbated yesterday and had fully protected sex last night, and god, it felt like my penis was harder and fuller than its ever been. Glad I had it done.

  42. I got my vasectomy a week ago, and it feels like I have literally four testicles in my scrotal sac. The only pain is point tenderness at the sites I was cut and the masses. Should I masturbate, or wait till the swelling goes down?

  43. I had a no-scalpel vasectomy, and I masturbated after the third day after the procedure once and twice the next day. The doctor advised me to avoid sex for a week after it, but I just couldn’t help it. I wasn’t feeling bad at all after the procedure, but now I have some minor swelling and some pain in my testicles, almost like a feeling of blue balls.

    My question is, did I mess up the whole operation by not waiting a week, or should I be alright? I’m currently on day 5 after the procedure.

  44. I am on day three now, with very little swelling or other potential post-operative incidents. Can I masturbate or have sex if I have no discomfort? Obviously, if I choose to have sex, we will be protected.


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