Christopher’s experience: My vasectomy is tomorrow

I would like to publish my entire experience for others – I found the stories most helpful over the last few days, attempting to get mentally prepared. Thursday, March 9th: The Night Before I am having surgery tomorrow, and I have to be honest – I’m a bit surprised at how nervous I am. So … Continue reading

Randy’s experience: My vasectomy story

My wife and I will have been married 17 years this coming June. We have one child a 10-year-old boy who is the absolute center of our universe. My wife had a very difficult pregnancy with 23 hours of labor, preceded by 6 weeks of bed rest. Her water broke but she didn’t immediately go … Continue reading

Dennis’ experience: My vasectomy story

Hi from Ontario, Canada. I got home from the hospital about a half-hour ago, after a stop at the local drugstore for antibiotics and Tylenol #3’s. I’m experiencing some discomfort but nothing particularly extreme, I’d describe it as a low-grade ‘achiness’. Well, we’d discussed this idea of a vasectomy, my wife and I, and decided … Continue reading

Lawman’s experience: My vasectomy story

I had scheduled a vasectomy procedure because I am 40 years old, have two children, and don’t want any more. It was time. I had heard the stories of swollen testicles, intense pain, long recovery, etc. I decided to research the effects myself and found your site very helpful and encouraging. My vas was scheduled … Continue reading

Biker’s experience: I survived!

Below is the start of my vasectomy story for you to put up on your site under personal stories. I’ve found others’ stories really helpful, so I’ll do my part. As you see, I’m going in tomorrow (Sept 22) so I’ll get back to you with the results. September 21, 2005 I’m going in tomorrow … Continue reading

Vasectomy class at Kaiser Clinic

I am 43 years old and am having my Vasectomy on the 1st of September 2005 at Kaiser Medical Group in San Diego, CA. Kaiser first asks you to attend a Vasectomy class, where the procedure is discussed, questions are asked and you sign your consent form. In California, you have a 30-day consent that … Continue reading

Max’s experience: Summary of my vasectomy

Just found your site and wanted to give a report on my vasectomy. My wife had a rough pregnancy in 2003 with our son, putting her in cardiac care for several days following a C-Section. This was enough to make us decide not only would a tubal ligation require similar surgery and the same potential … Continue reading

Billy’s experience: The Nutcracker Suit

Billy is a translator based in Denmark, who works from home via the Internet. In the Copenhagen high summer, the early morning commuter train was almost empty. A girl getting on looked at me, took in my foreign appearance, shoulder bag, and set expression, thought better of it, and got off again. You could hardly … Continue reading

Jose’s story: Mexican vasectomy experience

I’m from the sunny and beautiful Mexican Caribbean Islands. 40 years old with 3 kids. and a lovely wife, married 15 years ago. I had my vasectomy performed yesterday. I decide to do this about 15 days ago when I heard an advice at the local radio news. Here in Mexico we have periodical “Vasectomies … Continue reading

Mark’s experience: Two days and counting…

December 12, 2004 After much thought, consideration, and research, my procedure is Wednesday morning…I booked this appointment a month ago and wasn’t sure if I was going to keep it. I have never had an operational procedure done in my life other than having my wisdom teeth removed. (That experience was quite painful and wasn’t … Continue reading